Reconnect With Yourself & Your Partner

We empower busy moms to make time for themselves, reconnect with their partners, and enjoy great sex again.

Happy couple holding hands on nature
Mom working from home on maternity leave trying to concentrate while naughty daughter distracting
Frustrated stressed mom having headache feel tired annoyed about noisy active kids playing at home
Mature tired worried tense woman at workplace experiencing stress headache
Stressed couple sitting separately at family counselor office

Life has become overwhelming

Moms and wives do all of the things.  We care for others, we nurture our families, we build our careers and we provide comfort for our partners.

Very often, at the end of the day, we have nothing left for the things that make us feel good: Self-Care? No time. Sex? No energy.  Intimacy? Add it to the to-do list for later.

But if we don’t take time to care about ourselves and the things we need, we lose ourselves.  We also lose the chance for true happiness.

Intimacy Coaching


You need a chance to care for yourself.


Your sexuality and the ability to enjoy intimacy with your partner.


With your partner and remember why you built a life together.


Your happiness and joy does matter.

Get Back to Happy

Remember who you are. Remember why you married him. Remember all those thrilling orgasms.  

Reclaim intimacy, eroticism and happiness in your life.

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